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Izabella Hermogenes

Voice Instructor

Izabella is a versatile pianist and voice teacher teaching popular, theater, classical music, and exam preparation for RCM exams. She started developing her skills at the age of 5 and continued her passion for music up until today. Throughout university, she has been teaching music at music studios while being a church choir pianist and soprano singer. She honed her skills as a musician and teacher through years of practice, dedication, and various experiences.

After graduating from university, she immediately took the board exam for teaching and got her license as a music educator. She then continues to inspire and teach kids and adults to entertain and share her musical experiences and knowledge with people.

As a voice teacher, Izabella wants to share her talent with students who would like to build their confidence and discover their hidden talents through singing, with a supportive and effective long-term approach to every individual.

Izabella is thrilled and excited to teach and share her musical knowledge with students at Music Schools International Langley.